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K'Tohri Ross' Biography


They say, “Readers make the best writers.” My love for reading began as a small child. I was a “nosey” little person. I read everything I could get my hands on. My love for reading evolved because as I grew older books like, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men and Catcher in the Rye were assigned. I was exposed to some great works in literature which took my experience with language to a whole new level.

I grew up in the inner city with a single mother, six siblings and one television set. I developed a passion for storytelling. My mom called it “lying.” Whatever the case, I was good at it!  While my brother and sisters were outside playing with their friends, I was inside waiting for my favorite shows to come on and curled up with a good story. To this day, people in my old neighborhood remember me as, “… that one that used to stay in the house all the time.” Having a different father than my siblings caused me to have a very diverse upbringing. During summers I spent months away and returned with stories of my journey.

I spent a lot of time with my paternal grandparents. They lived in Mine Three, a coalmining town outside of Pittsburgh. Going outside was an adventure! Wading in the creek, catching crawfish, outdoors pretending to have a cooking show after raiding donations left outside the secondhand store, or throwing mudballs over a busy hillside, my cousin and I ended most days on restriction. We were allowed to do nothing but read books due to our shenanigans. This made grandma’s house my favorite place on the planet! My love for reading coupled with disparate life experiences work together to create the writer and storyteller I am today.

I have worked as a second-grade teacher in a public-school setting for fifteen years. I enjoy building upon a child’s love for reading and writing. At this point in my life, I want to explore the writer within me. I have many stories to tell. Most of them are buried in my mind. As I spend time thinking, writing, and working with a team, forgotten memories are resurfacing. They weave their way into my stories and have potential to come to life on the screen. This is my dream. I look forward to a future in writing.

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