Current Projects

Jammed (2023)
A Film
An over-the-hill dance instructor must win a dance battle in order to stop his unscrupulous moneylender from killing the love of his life.
Behavior of Grace (2023)
A Film & Short Narrative
A constellation turned human must fight to regain possession of her stolen powers in order to save the lives of a dying race of people.
Church Kids (2023)
A Film
After falling victim to a brutal crime two precocious siblings must explore the world with Satan in order to find their calling.
Noa Remedy
TV Series
The most powerful weapon on earth must hide behind the façade of an herbalist in order to stop her insane father from finding her and wiping her out of existence.

No Good Deeds (2022)
Series Coverage
A painfully unlucky man faces the world, seeking to grow and be a good person through helping others. Only to find out his unluckiness spills over onto every single new situation.